Current Report Articles
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(Mar. 15, 2024) – As they say "the early birds of spring are the ones that get the worm." In this case, the early Kansas Hospital Association Political Advocacy Committee donors have come through in a big way, and we commend them for their commitment to the KHA-PAC!
(Mar. 15, 2024) – KHA staff has captured take-away videos and created board discussion guides from our speakers at the Critical Issues Summit in Wichita. These resources are an excellent way for KHA members to bring governance education into their boardrooms.
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(Mar. 15, 2024) –
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(Mar. 15, 2024) –
(Mar. 15, 2024) – SunRx is hosting a webinar at 1:00 p.m. on Apr. 17, offering valuable insights to aid decision-making, enabling your entity to uphold compliance and optimize its 340B pharmacy program.
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(Mar. 15, 2024) –
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(Mar. 15, 2024) –
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