Capitol Comments Articles

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(Feb. 6, 2024) – Yesterday, the House Insurance Committee passed out HB 2478 and HB 2533.
(Feb. 6, 2024) – Today, the governor's office announced what is known as a governor's budget amendment to her previously released fiscal year 2025 budget.
(Feb. 5, 2024) – Today, the Senate Ways and Means Subcommittee worked on the final budgets for state mental and intellectual disability hospitals.
(Feb. 5, 2024) – Today, the House and Senate Commerce Committees met jointly to continue the committee discussions on unemployment compensation.
(Feb. 5, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Services Committee finalized bill introductions for the 2024 session.
(Feb. 5, 2024) – SB 448, SB 449, SB 450, HB 2683, HB 2686, HB 2689, HB 2690, HB 2692
(Feb. 2, 2024) – Next week, committees that are subject to legislative deadlines will hold the last of the bill introductions. Committee work will heat up as the legislature continues to review agency budgets and assemble legislative adjustments.
(Feb. 2, 2024) – SB 433, SB 434, HB 2669 and HB 2670.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Today, the House Health and Human Service held bill introductions. House Bill 2579 was brought back up for further amendments to strike the one amendment made yesterday in committee, reverting back to its original language.
(Feb. 1, 2024) – Today, the House Welfare Reform committee held a hearing on HB 2627 andreceived a briefing on free and reduced lunch eligibility verification.
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