Capitol Comments Articles

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(Feb. 19, 2024) - Several House committees met today to consider bills.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - The Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on Senate Bill 491 today.
(Feb. 19, 2024) - The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee heard and worked several bills.
Next Week's Schedule
(Feb. 16, 2024) -The House Health and Human Services committee heard HB 2784 and HB 2793 today.
(Feb. 16, 2024) - The Senate Public Health and Welfare Committee held a hearing on SB 391.
The House Health and Human Services Committee, chaired by Representative Brenda Landwehr (R-Wichita), held hearings on HB 2777 regarding the use body cameras in medical facilities and HB 2749 regarding abortion.
Senate Bill 390 enacts the conscientious right to refuse act to prohibit discrimination against individuals to refuse medical care and creating a civil cause of action based on such discrimination; repealing the authority of the secretary of health and environment to quarantine individuals and impose associated penalties.
Yesterday, the House Social Services Budget Committee, chaired by Representative Les Mason (R-McPherson) met. The committee made recommended changes to the Kansas Department of Health and Environment, Division of Health.
(Feb. 13, 2024) - Yesterday, the House Health and Human Services Committee met to hold hearings and work bills.
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